Kiara Rennita Nurhasanah is her name but her class or schoolmates call her Kia and her family call her Kiara. She was born in May 7th, exactly 14 years ago. Now , she studies at state junior high school 8 Surakarta. She is in grade 8. She is none other than the leader of OSIS of the State Junior High School Surakarta. Beca-use of her very position, she often becomes the ins-pector of the flag ceremony held every Monday morning in the school yard.

When asked about the reasons why she was interested in becoming the leader of OSIS, she responded as saying that her family and friends’ moral support made her understand that she deserved for the position and finally could win the then election. She furthermore explained that she wanted to be a model student for all her friends in terms of academic sphere and noble code of conducts. “I just want to be a more disciplined and responsible person!” she said.
Acknowledged by the girl who lives in Dalon, Ngringo, Karanganyar that she has already thrown herself into some student organisations since she was in grade 7. So far, she has joined in several student organi-zations such as scout program, Islamic stu-dent association, and the like. When asked about how she managed the time for her study and organization, the teenager who idolizes Igbal Ramadhan realized that she repeatedly found it difficult to divide the time for her personal reponsibilities. “Whatever happens, I always put the top priority on my education above all as my idol has done! ” declared she.

In the academic sphere setting, she has already targetted herself to become one of the best three students from the whole paralel classses in this semester. To do so, the pride daughter of a married couple of Perwita Hapsari S.P. and Erwin Kurniawan S.P., would study much harder to realize her ambition. “I must succeed both academically and non-academically!” she stated.
In fact, she just wants to be a stewardess when she grows up. According to the girl who likes jogging and singging, her dream was inspired when she along with her family flew from Solo to Bengkulu. In that flight, she was fascinated with a beautiful stewardess with an ideal body wearing a smart uniform and speaking English fluently. Not long after the flight, she tried to discuss what she wanted for her future with her parents and they seemingly endorsed it.
“At first, I have to improve my English writtenly and spo-kenly from now on” answer-ed the girl who has a little bit over we-ight body smilingly when asked about what efforts she has done to make her futu-re ambition true. She further-more added as saying that she also would take a vocatio-nal school majoring in the stewardess program. “In the long run, I have to change my bad lifestyle by taking some sport and special diets to make my body much more ideal than it is now” admitted the girl who likes doing cullinary tour.